
High Tech

Call it high tech or deep tech, we know how to take the most complex and technical engineering concepts and executives and turn them into engaging PR, comms and marketing programmes that excite target customers and media.

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Ignite engineering possibilities

Make the technical irresistible with our dedicated high tech teams

With over twenty years’ experience in high tech PR, comms, and marketing, we know how to turn the most technical topics into engaging content, and excite target audiences with how these technologies are going to transform the world around them.

Translate Technical Content
With our dedicated content team, we host intake calls with product managers to understand the technical story and customer benefits. Then we turn this into compelling content for use across paid, earned, owned, and shared.

Level Up the Story
With relationships across the technology media, analysts and events, we help our high tech clients level up and tell their stories in the places that matter from MIT Technology Review to VentureBeat Transform and beyond.

Engage the Industry
With our long-standing expertise, we use our data-driven approach to understand the benefits that our high and deep-tech clients bring to customers. From there, we engage the industry through our suite of pr, comms and marketing services.

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Let’s get to work

If you’re looking for a new PR, comms and marketing firm to make your tech irresistible, we’d love to hear from you.

Get in touch

Our services activate and deepen awareness and engagement to boost reputation; raise the number, value and scope of relationships and accelerate and grow new and repeat revenue. All to help you drive business growth.

Public Relations

We offer a comprehensive suite of PR services to enhance your brand’s visibility and reputation. Our capabilities transcend borders, delivering impactful results that resonate with diverse audiences worldwide.

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Social Media Marketing

Getting the right presence for brands and executives across social channels is crucial. From organic to paid, we help our technology clients maximise their social profiles and deliver real business impact.

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Feel the buzz of networking, as influential voices mingle and ideas collide. With our meticulous planning and unrivaled creativity, we transform ordinary spaces into extraordinary showcases, leaving an indelible imprint on the minds of attendees.

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